Understanding And Re Building The Relationships

It is common to face a difficult time in a relationship.Nobody gets married thinking it will fail and with changing roles of women, the reasons for getting married have altered. Marriage like anything needs time.A relationship based on friendship, love and understanding are the basic expectations which most of the today's working women are looking forward.Women either stay in the marriage for all the wrong reasons like societal pressure when there is no emotional connect among the both partners .The core need is the support and secured family life.Companionship is what today,s working women in late twenties and early thirties are seeking in marriage.Commitment and the degree of commitment which each person expects should be fulfilled but a great level of open honest communication is needed especially before entering into a marriage and it should become stronger and healthier during early years of marriage.Couples who care for each other become emotionally attached. Keeping the base sturdy,no marriage ends unless it is on a weak foundation. Pre-Marriage Counselling helps partners in relationships or in live- in who plan to get married or are in deliema to better understand themselves first and then understanding each other followed by the roles and responsibilities each one expects after marriage The couple can clear the differences before marriage and take the right decision.
Women have become more open and matured in their expectations.Divorces often leave children rattling between two homes and two sets of parents. Different parenting styles could be understood and worked upon to have effective parenting by both the parents.
Marriage counseling helps to recognize and resolve conflicts. To improve a troubled relationship,decisions about rebuilding and strengthening your relationships or going separate ways.
Marriage counseling involves both the partners but sometimes one partner chooses to work and take the therapy alone.
Article : Anubha Verma
Counselling Psychologist