Structured Conversations Among Couples Can Lower The Divorce Rate.

Recommendations based on my learnings from number of Case studies of Couples consulting for marriage counseling. Partners with healthy relationships continously work on communication among them.Start the conversation in a nice way. Assure your partner how important is the relationship and the person to you. You respond positively to each other's good news. A passive understated support_a warm smile and a simple That's good news. Appreciate and value the initiative taken. Show openmindedness and cooperation to address the issues. Difficult conversations are necessary during the growth of the relationship. Concentrate on solutions and not the problem. Invest time to conduct a peaceful conversation. Donot expect a quick decison. Manage your emotions and work on your shortcommings to improve your communication among both of you. Recognise why you are disturbed. Learn to pay attention to when to talk to your partner,very important for a positive conversation. Talk when both of you are at your best. This helps both to concentrate more and the best possibility of being heard. Put your heart in the talks and then listen to your partner. This brings better perspectives and creative solutions. This helps to prevent quarrel. Aoiding a dialogue in a relationship develops hatred. God designed marriage to complement, support each other and not to compete. Correct ways of conversations leads to comprehension of your feelings and values by the other person and enhances the relationship.