Effective Career Counselling and the Right Decision Making

With a paradigm shift in career needs globally there is a significant need of right career planning and decision making skill.Highly needed in India where career decisions are influenced by attractive pay packages,large number of people following for the same or the opinions and instincts of peers, parents and teachers too. These traditional models of career decisions cannot work in today's fast changing world of work
Making a right career choice is the most important decision in one's life as wrong decision significantly impact career growth and earnings.Most individuals make career decision based on limited knowledge of one's preferences and their environment and totally miss the most important process of self exploration.
In today's world youth is loaded with information but lacks the ability to comprehend all the information thus affecting the right decision.
Adding to the above situation the expanding set of the career options, their specifications and the need for life long learning, makes the right career decision a very important and significant milestone during every stage of one's life.
Using the validated career tools or assessment and a vast occupational database,research and analysis a trained and experienced career counsellor addresses the challenges of the new career paradigm and changing economy. As a career coach I am passionate about helping decision makers choose the right career. Seperate career tests are used for students in Grade 8-9,Grade 10, Grade 11-12,Graduates,PostGraduates and Working professionals. The career assessment based on standardised and well researched psychological tests assess personality traits,interests,skills and abilities,E.Q ,career values ,learning styles and motivators.The process brings a unique career planning to facilitate your need for the right education and skills and the right job search
Article : Anubha Verma
Counselling Psychologist